wild wordland

background photo © Kiki Siepel

Symbiocenic visions

of fellow symbiophantspresent & everpresent





Bayo Akomolafe, executive director of the emergence network, poet at Bayo Akomolafe, author of We Will Tell Our Own Story and These Wilds Beyond Our Fences https://www.bayoakomolafe.net/


Bill Plotkin, psychologist, wilderness guide, and agent of cultural evolution. Author of several bestselling books, founder of Animas Valley Institute https://www.animas.org/


Bridget Holding, poet, word-crafter, writer, teacher, psychotherapist, zen buddhist,  http://bridgetholding.com/about-bridget , author of Phoenix: the Delusional Detective, founder of http://www.wildwords.org/


Carmen Mariscal, multicultural artist, founder of Arkesoul – a community in formation https://www.arkesoul.org/


Gavin van Horn, executive editor at the Center for Humans & Nature, founder of storyforager, author of The Way of the Coyote, editor of Wildness: Relations of People and Place https://humansandnature.org/gavin-van-horn/


Ginny Battson,  naturalist, ecophilosopher, writer, creator of useful neologisms, such as frustropia — blogger at Seasonalight


Glenn Albrecht, environmental philosopher, founder of psychoterratica, author of Earth Emotions, godfather of the word Symbiocene https://glennaalbrecht.wordpress.com/


John Koenig, graphic designer, video maker, writer, word creator, author of the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows https://www.dictionaryofobscuresorrows.com/


Lady Jane Goodall, zoologist, environmentalist, transformer of relationships between humans and animals, founder of the Jane Goodall Institute, and Jane Goodall’s Roots and Shoots https://janegoodall.org/


Nora Bateson, award-winning filmmaker, writer and educator, founder and President of the International Bateson Institute based in Sweden. The aim of the research of IBI is to increase our ability to take into account the many relationships that coexist in any context of living things. https://batesoninstitute.org/nora-bateson/, founder of Warm Data Lab https://warmdatalab.net/warm-data


Peter A Levine,  psychotherapist, trauma researcher, developer of his groundbreaking method of Somatic Experiencing, and author of several books, including Waking the Tiger, In an Unspoken Voice. Somatic Experiencing https://www.somaticexperiencing.com/about-peter


Prisca Schmarsow, artist, webdesigner, professor, cofounder of eyedea studio https://eyedea.studio/ artwork on  https://terranostra.life/


Robin Wall Kimmerer, member of the Citizen Potiwatomi Nation, award winning author of Gathering Moss and Braiding Sweetgrass, co-editor of the book series Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations https://www.robinwallkimmerer.com/


Symbio(s)cene, Arts & Science Collaboration, with the vision to setting the scene for an era beyond the Anthropocene, and open up new perspectives for a future worth living https://symbioscene.com/


Vandana Shiva, physicist, ecologist, activist, founder of https://navdanyainternational.org/our-staff/vandana-shiva/,

world-renowned environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocat, is the founder of Navdanya Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (India) and President of Navdanya International. Author of Earth Democracy, and many other books



Johann Wolfgang von Goethe [1749 1832], German polymath who gifted us his philosophy of nature based on the principles of symbiogenesis and a holistic view of life. In his ‘Metamorphosis of Plants,’ Goethe described how he saw all parts of a plant as expressions of the same essence.


'Raoul' Rudolf Heinrich Francé [1820 1943], Austro-Hungarian science-Wunderkind, microbiologist, soil scientist, natural philosopher, poet writer of 60 + books, discoverer of the edaphon (microorganisms in fertile soil, equivalent to the plankton in the ocean), in 1920 he wrote a book with the title 'Die Pflanze als Erfinder' (The Plant as Inventor).


Rudolf Steiner (1861 1925) — Austrian philosopher and visionary, founder of the anthroposophical movement and biodynamic agriculture; author of Agriculture Course: The Birth of the Biodynamic Method. Steiner saw plants as essentially the same as the earth — they grow out of the soil, are nurtured by it and feed back into it. "Both Goethe and Steiner were holistic scientists. They understood and examined phenomena from the perspective of wholeness rather than by splitting them into the tiniest possible parts, hoping to reveal some hidden secret that ‘made things tick’."


Albert Howard (1873 1947) — English botanist and founder of the organic movement, inventor of the Indore Method of Organic Composting, author of An Agricultural Testament.


'Rainer' René Maria Rilke (1875 1926) – Bohemian poet, nomad, writer of many letters, notes, poems, sonnets, author of

"Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."

"Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always."

"If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches."

"Why do you want to shut out of your life any uneasiness, any misery, any depression, since after all you don’t know what work these conditions are doing inside you?"

"The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens."


Maye Bruce (1879 1964) — Irish gardener, student of Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic method, inventor or the Quick Return Compost Activator, founding member of the British Soil Association, author of From Vegetable Waste to Fertile Soil and Common Sense Compost Making.


Viktor Schauberger [1885 1958] – Austrian forester, naturalist, and inventor who developed a profound understanding of nature. He attracted attention especially due to his revolutionary discoveries about the nature, qualities and movement of living water in the mountain streams of his native forests.


Evelyn Barbara Balfour (1898 1990) — English farmer and organic farming pioneer, founder of the British Soil Association, author of The Living Soil.


'Jean' Hans Karl Rudolf Gebser [1905 1973] – German linguist, cultural philosopher and poet who envisioned a complete evolutionary history of consciousness, from the archaic structure of the 'everpresent origin' to the diaphanous structure of a future, towards which we are meant to evolve.


Rachel Carson [1907 1964] – American marine biologist, "one of the 20th century's most influential voices in literature and environmentalism", author of Silent Spring.


Aaron Antonovsky [1923 1994] – Israeli-American medical sociologist who developed his model of Salutogenesis in response to observing the resilience of some holocaust survivors and their growth after severe trauma.


Eugene Gendlin [1926 ☥ 2017] – Austrian-American philosopher. Gendlin's philosophical work is mainly concerned with the lived experience, the bodily felt sense and the 'philosophy of the implicit'. He applied his theories in practice in collaboration with psychologist Carl Rogers. Known mainly for Focusing and Thinking at the Edge, methods used in psychotherapy and personal development https://focusing.org/felt-sense/what-focusing